Abby Rose
Aida 18
Amy Bruecken Designs
Amy Bruecken Designs
Anabella's Inc.
Annie Beez Folk Art
Ardith Designs
Artful Offering Designs
Atomic Ranch
Atomic Ranch Fabric
Atomic Ranch Fabrics
banding for stitching
Barefoot Needle
Blackbird Designs
Blue Flower Designs
Blue Ribbon Designs
Belinda Karls-Nace started Blue Ribbon Designs in early 2004, specializing in original counted thread...
Blueberry Ridge
Books & Magazines
Carriage House Samplings
Cherry Blossoms
Christmas Stockings
Classic Colorworks
Classic Colorworks Thread
Cottage Garden Sampler
charts by Vinniey Tan
Cottage Garden Samplings
Cottage Garden Threads
Cotton Pixels Designs
Couleur D'Etoile
Counted Needlepoint
Custom Merch
Deb Walker Bags
Dinky Dyes
Dirty Annie's
Drawn Thread
Erica Michaels
Erica Michaels
charts by Linda Stolzs
Erin Elizabeth
Fairy Wool in the Woods
Finally a Farmgirl
Finishing Accesories
items to finish your projects
Finishing Accessories
Finishing Accessories
Here you will find items for finishing your cross stitch project.
Finishing Service
Fox & Rabbit
Foxwood Crossing
Frames, Hoops and Q-Snaps
Frony Ritter Designs
Frony Ritter Designs
Gentle Arts Sampler Threads
Gentle Arts Thread
Gift Card
For The Stitcher's Soul Gift cards are the perfect gift for the...
Gift Sets
Glendon Place
Hands on Design Patterns
Heart in Hand
Heart n Hand Designs
Heartstring Samplery
Heartstring Samplery Accessories
accessory by beth twist
Hello from Liz Matthews
Home page
Homespun Elegance
Homespun Fabric
Ink Circle Patterns
JABCO Button company
JBW Designs
JBW Designs
Charts by Judy Whitman
Jeanette Douglas
Jeanette Douglas Designs
Just Another Button Co
Just Cross Stitch
Just Nan
Kathy Barrick
Keslyn’s Designs
Kitty & Me
Kitty and Me/Pam Kellogg
Les Petites Croix De Lucie Designs
Lila's Studio Designs
Lindy Stitches
Little House Needleworks
Little House Needleworks
Lizzie Kate
Lucy Beam Patterns
Lugana 25 Dyed By Terri
Lugana 25 Dyed by Terri
Luhu Patterns
Luminous Fibers
Mani di Dona
Meridian Designs
Mill Hill
Mill Hill Beads
MTV Designs
My Big Toe Designs
Mystery Box Collection
Needle Bling Designs
Needle Delights Originals
Needle Punch
Needlemade Designs
New York Dreamer
Nora Corbett Designs
Noteworthy Needle
October House
Olde Colonial Design
Ornament Kits
Pansy Patch Quilts
pansy patch quilts and more charts
Pansy Patch Quilts
Perle Cotton
Petal Pusher Designs
Pickel Barrel
Plum Street Sampler
Plum Street Samplers
Prairie Grove Peddler
Prairie Schooler
charts by Prairie Schooler
Prairie Schooler
Praiseworthy Stitches
Praiseworthy Stitches
Pre-Cut Fabrics
Pre-Cut Lugana
Preorder Market 24
Primitive Hare
Primrose Cottage Stitches
Primrose Cottage Stitches
Project Pouches
Punchneedle and Primitive Stitcher
Puntini Puntini
Quaint Rose Needle Arts Designs
Rainbow Gallery
Rebel Stitcher
Red Barn SAmpler
Retreats scheduled for 2024
Robin Pickens
Romy's Creations
Rosewood Manor
Rosewood Manor
charts by Karen Kluba
Running with Needle & Scissors
SamBrie Stitches Designs
Samplers Not Forgotten
Sampling of Memories
accessories for stitching
Satin Stitches
Scissor Fobs
ScissorTail Designs
Shakespeare's Peddler Patterns
Shannon Christine Designs
Shepard's Bush
Shepard's Bush
Shepherd's Bush Printworks
Silver Creek Sampler
Silver Creek Sampler
diane's charts
Siren Stitchworks
Sister Lou Stitches
Stacy Nash Designs
Stitches by Ethel
Stitching Accessories
Stitching Accessory
Stitching Accessory
Stitching Accessory
Stitching with the Housewives
Stitchy Prose * New*
Subscriptions, SAL's
Sue Hillis
Sue Hillis Designs
Sulky Petites 12 WT
Sullivan Embroidery Floss
Summer House Stitche Workes
Sweet Wing Studio
Sweetheart Tree
Teresa Kogut
Teresa Kogut
Textured Treasures
The Artsy Housewife
The Mindful Needle
The Mindful Needle Designer
The Mindful Needle
The Mindful Needle
charts by Dawn Friske
The Nebby Needle
The Needle’s Notion
The Proper Stitcher
The Purple Thread
Sharon Verbos designs
The Scarlett House
Thistles Designs
Thread Packs
Thread Packs
Threadkeeps & Needleminders
Tiny Modernist
Tra La La
Treenway Silks
Twin Peaks Primitives
Under The Garden Moon
Up Coming Classes
Val's Stuff
Valdani Thread
Waxing Moon
Weeks Dye Works
Weeks Dye Works
With thy Needle/Brenda Gervais
Works By ABC
World on a String By Dara
Xs And Ohs Designs
Zweigart Germany